“To whom much is given, much is required” is more than just a cliché’ catchphrase, but instead serves as a guiding mantra for Stephanie Owens, CEO of Bloom Noire. Stephanie has been blessed to serve within numerous industries and considers it her life’s work to share her blessings by building and leading organizations to improve communities through innovative solutions, and fostering strong relationships with contagious passion that inspires change.
With a deep passion for creating meaningful and transformative experiences, Stephanie combines her extensive background in business, arts, and non-profits to curate events that are vibrant, healing, and uniquely tailored to her community.
Stephanie’s journey spans multiple industries, including music, fashion, and retail, where she’s built a career focused on strategic growth, impactful programming, and people development. She has worked with major organizations such as Island Def Jam and NBAF (National Black Arts Festival) and created Oshare’ Inc., a fashion styling and consulting company that worked with top artists in the world including Ludacris, Kanye West and Dave Chappelle.
Stephanie’s commitment to service and community continues to drive her work at Bloom Noire, where she creates experiences that celebrate, inspire, and uplift. Through her leadership, Stephanie strives to empower others and make every event a reflection of beauty, joy, and personal connection.
Ready to transform your life and experience true rejuvenation? We're here to create a personalized, soul-nourishing experience just for you. Reach out today, and let's begin your journey to empowerment!